Return to Tuesday committee meetings
Live reporting by Will Reynolds
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Quarterly mental and behavioral health services reports, COVID-19 second booster shot, BA.2 subvariant

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@CHIdocumenters I’m live-tweeting remotely. The meeting can be watched here:

The calendar and agenda here:

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The Cook County Board Commissioners also serve as the Cook County Forest Preserves Commissioners. They’re currently meeting as the Forest Preserves board so I’ll start live tweeting when the county board committees start.

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The Forest Preserves board is hearing passionate public comments about a coyote living in captivity.

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The Forest Preserves district is still meeting. In response to a question, staff admit their new “hybrid” pickup trucks are actually gasoline and propane. So all fossil fuels.

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Ok, the County Forest Preserve meeting switched over to the Cook County Board of Commissioners so smoothly I didn’t notice. They started meeting as the litigation committee and went into executive session.
Then approved all agenda items without discussion.

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They meet as the Finance and Workers’ compensation committee at 12:30. They pass motions and adjourn without debate. Now a 2 minute break.

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The Cook County board of commissioners Health & Hospitals Committee starts after a short break.

Cook County Health System CEO Israel Rocha begins a report.
COVID booster shots are available.

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Federal COVID funding for the uninsured has been exhausted. Meaning, public health providers will no longer be reimbursed for COVID testing & treatment.

Cook County will continue to provide COVID services but will impact other health care providers.

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Report on COVID: People who are unvaccinated or incomplete vaccination have much higher hospitalization rates.

By CDC guidelines, Cook County is in low transmission levels.

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Presentation by Dr Rachel Rubin: Cook County is experiencing COVID Omicron BA.1 & BA.2. “Hospitalizations are low and few.”

“But booster rates are still low. We need to be ramping up booster rates…”

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Commissioner Donna Miller introduces a resolution to examine racial health disparities. She recently wrote about it in the Sun-Times:

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Commissioner Miller’s resolution calls for regular updates on health disparity outcomes from the Cook County department of public health.

Committee Chair Deer says life expectancy in Streeterville is 90 but 60 in Englewood. Urges a yes vote. Resolution passes unanimously.

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Quarterly report on behavioral health.
Dr Washington: they’ve been struggling with staff shortage, which is a national issue. Focus on hiring staff.

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Cermak Health Services report: they provide mental health care for detainees at Cook County jail.
They’re the largest single-site provider in the state of Illinois. They focus on patient safety.
Their opiate treatment program is nationally accredited.

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Attrition and finding qualified professionals to work is a struggle at Cermak Health. They continue to focus on staff safety.

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Cook County mental health program statistics report. They had a significant increase in referrals in January and February. They’ve also had attrition and staff challenges.

Cook county’s public meeting video is small and can’t be maximized. It makes reports unreadable online.

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County Dept of public health behavioral health report. An unidentified speaker. They’d like to expand services, including suburbs, such as needle exchange program and opioid addiction treatment. Creating taskforce with steak-holders.

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They’re launching expansion of suburban behavioral health unit with ARPA funding.
Focusing on opioid use, including distribution of Naloxone to law enforcement and other agencies.

Opioid overdose prevention sites allow people to consume drugs in a safe environment.

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Director of Cook County jail presentation. They “proactively reach out to people” for care once they leave the jail. Connect people with services for mental health, housing, addiction treatment.

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Cook county state’s attorney’s office presentation on their mental health work. They mostly refer clients to other agencies.

Chief Judge’s office and Public Defender’s office issue their behavior health reports.

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Next, the Cook County Board of Commissioners Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations Committee.
Sav Felix is appointed to the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center Advisory Board.

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There’s an online meeting at 5pm about the new county flag. Legislation committee adjourns.

That’s the end of Cook County board committee meetings for the day and concludes my live-tweeting for #CHIDocumenters