Board of Commissioners
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Millions allocated for survivors of domestic abuse, mask and vaccine mandates, consent calendar moved for approval
Millions allocated for survivors of domestic abuse, mask and vaccine mandates, consent calendar moved for approval
I’ll be updating you live from today’s Cook County Board of Commisioners meeting at 10am CST on behalf of
Tune in 😷 R-E-M-O-T-E-L-Y 😷
#governmentwatchdog 🧐🐶
#citybureau SNIFF SNIFF
09:40 AM Jan 13, 2022 CST
@CHIdocumenters @city_bureau So it begins! Good mornings are shared between colleagues - buckle up! Roll call begins as President Toni Preckwinkle welcomes the group.
@CHIdocumenters @city_bureau Quorum is established. Pastor Olivia Johnson shares a prayer for public servants of the county of Cook. Next, public speakers comment begins. Everyone has three minutes to address the Board. Comments will be in the official record.
@CHIdocumenters @city_bureau 51 consitituents write to oppose the vaccine mandate, 4 nurses write in to disclose lack of staffing, and 20 for public land acknowledgement. First speaker is Katie Kleatis, program director of Adults Active Youth Development.
They have two direct service programs in Harvey including a weekly mentorship program for students. They’ve serviced 26 middle school students per week along with programming through Park District. They also provide meals and mentorship there.
Next, Cynthia Means of Alpha Kappa Alpha speaks of Founders Day, their 114th anniversary. Kamala Harris is a former member.
Following Mrs. Means is Estephany Naria who thanks the County for the positive recommendation for funding for an extensive affordable housing development in high impact area of Arlington Heights.
Next, a call for support of a $5 milion allocation for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. Their biggest increase in hotline usage has been in Cook County. It would also support expanding service to 24/7.
Naeem Nowala of Center for Advancing Domestic Peace and also a legal aid attorney who has represented survivors. More often than not, survivors cannot escape abusers - he advocates again for funding for the partner abuse intervention program that works with abusers directly.
Mr. Bob Jackson invites up clients of Ceasefire program, one of whom was an offender who is now an outreach worker, someone attesting to the success of collaboration with police and program to lock up someone who murdered a colleagues son.
Darwin Gooden speaks of the Becoming a Man (BAM) counseling program for youth in South Suburbs. Its a mentorship and peer support program for young men in grades 7-12. Currently serves 80 schools in Cook County
Aisha Edwards, Director of Cabrini-Green legal aid speaks to services under current funding, expanding juvenile expungement program at Markham courthouse and four community partners in South Chicago. 12.5% increase in reach since funding increase.
Tony Lawler CEO of Lawler Consulting Group by providing tech. assistance to non-profits in the R3 program (R3 Violence Prevention Services) and the successful work of all prior speakers who are apart of the program.
Anne-Marie Hartman of Evanston next speaks of how vaccine cards are unconstitutional. She says its an issue of body autonomy and that the “experimental vaccine” and the “illogical mandates” are destroying young people’s mental health. Several more anti-vaxx speakers on comment.
Another county resident says the countywide mandate goes against “everything that makes Chicago so great.” “It’s a place that no longer celebrates diversity and you’ve taken away the ability for me to choose with insufficient data.” “Will you be there to raise my child if I die?”
Another speaker wants to speak to the distinction of “exposure locations” and “exposure duration.” She is speaking of specific studies that use the language “exclusion of unvaccinated individuals” . . .
. . . on Illinois Public Heath website and stats of comorbidity and other variables that could affect health. She wants more comprehensive numeric data available to the community.
Another resident Jennifer Estrada tearily asks to reverse the mask and vaccine mandates for basic life activities. “Why is natural immunity not considered here while it is in other countries?” “I urge you to consider the statistic that we lost third most residents in 2021.”
Another says the mandates “Are discriminatory and make no sense.” She says there are over a million adverse events reported to VARES since 2020 and says it forces “healthy people need to get an experimental vaccine.”
A lot of cross-talk as those who weren’t present when their name was called initially all try to share their thoughts at once. President Preckwinkle asks “Can everyone be quiet.”
Public comment area ends as final speaker makes a push for Hydroxycholroquine and that some outliers in the study caused the public confusion for “an otherwise safe alternative” and “vaccine passports set back civil rights by decades” and “an act of domestic terrorism” 😖
A white woman says she feels like a slave and says “You begin to look like slaves yourselves when you support this legislation.” 🤮
Before its all over someone shares that the influx of Afghan refugees will refuse vaccination because of their religious beliefs, so we should rescind the mandate so they are welcomed properly. GYMS, RESTAURANTS AND MOVIES for the healthy. woof!
Commissioner Simms notes to the group after public comment that the mandate was not a decision made by the Cook County Board, though he supports it. Pres. Preckwinkle says, “I will accept responsibility” and invites up Dr. Rubin to explain more about the mitigation order.
She explains the benefits of masking, that vaccines prevent serious illness and death that often prevent hospitalization, and the stress on the healthcare system, and the vast majority of the people hospitalized are unvaccinated . . .
Commissioner Deer thanks the speakers for sharing their opinion, then speaks to Covid deaths in his family and broader community, and an antivaxxer who asked for the vaccine on their deathbed. Next, Dr. Rubin speaks to spread being worst when there’s a mix of vaxxed and unvaxxed.
Other commissioners share testimonials about their vaccine stories and death they’ve experienced, urging folks to read health statistics available.
Next, Commissioner Arroyo makes motion to approve the reappointment of Juvenile Temporary Detention Center Board Members and No Cash Bid Requests. Follow link for more full descriptions. And the levy of taxes for Fiscal Year 2022.|&Search=
No questions or comments on these matters - voting proceeds. Additional items include agreement for reimbursements, contracts, proposed settlements, and grant awards. All vote “Aye” on all items in link shared in last Tweet.
Chairman Daley for another commissioner to outline Covid spending for CARES funding as it is a large amount. He notes we are in “sunset” period of funding (towards end) and that rest of funding goes towards renters. These will presented in full and finance committee meetings
Mr. Ahmar also notes that typically 10% is allocated to administrative expenses but in many moments there were as low as 3%. Roll (voting) is then called on items in question. All vote Yes on all items
All listed items for all Department of Transportation including items are unanimously approved, with one placed incorrectly in category, thus referred to Veteran Affairs committee.
SEIU Local 73 raised issues with county and are awaiting arbitrators decision and those will be brought to Board in time. Stay tuned for this as it develops. No timeline on this, but all SEIU members will receive benefits as covered by state law.
The tentative agreement states the whole contract is being reviewed. The arbitrator is reviewing specific sections of the contract regarding pay specifically, though some economic elements have been agreed on already.
Mr. Ward (representative) clarifies it also concerns hazard pay, but a one-time payment and a $1k pandemic payment is already agreed upon outside of arbitrator - delay is because. Comm. Anaya asks about communication moving forward so they can avoid asking questions on the floor
President Preckwinkle notes initial proceeding was in October and that decision will be made in first quarter of this year and Mr. Ward confirms this (albeit) loose timeline.
Aye from all commissioners on this item. There was certianly confusion and uncertainty on status of the status of this item.
Comm Johnson speaks to public safety measures. Safety contract from Bedfork Park, resolution authorizing bank signatures, contract amendment for Center for Divorce education renewal, proposed contract for Northwestern School of Medicine,
Proposed transfer of funds for circuit court website, two revenue neutral interagency agreements, report for behavioral health 9/21-11/21 - no hands on items, Board votes Aye on all items.
Consent Calendar is moved for approval, but commissioners speak first. Comm. Deer starts with shoutout to both sororities Founder’s day celebration. He honors work in Lawndale community from Rochelle Jackson as well.
Other individual resolutions with Pres. Preckwinkle continue proceedings, starting with a video and outline of the county anniversary and announcement of county documentation and archival and accessibility for historical documents and records.
Condolences to former Mayor of Westchester Frank Perry who passed over holiday, Frank Zuckarelli of Thornton Township, and James Casey
Final approval on resolution for Technology and Innovation and Finance Committee (American Rescue Plan spending). Com. Preckwinkle notes this is a “historic day” of use of over $100 mil for economic and community development, $60 mil for equity and justice, $60 mil for healthcare
$40 mil on infrastructure and $25 mil for environmental and sustainability projects. Health and Hospital committee meeting for updates on mass immunization plan in suburban cook county passes unanimously and swiftly.
Environmental and Sustainability, Legislation and intergovernmental relations, and Rules Committee all pass unanimously.
Finance Committee moves to approve Workers Compensation claims, reports on health and hospitlas and analysis on revenues, and invoice modifications for Special States attorney in Civil Matters - passes unanimously.
Business and Economic Development and Tax Delinquency subcommittee also pass unanimously
Resolution two years in making for Public Defenders office to represent folks seeking immigration services in county court. Comm. Suffredin cosigns and applauds those who have been involved on work towards this resolution.
Agency Information
Cook County Board of Commissioners
County Commissioners are elected officials who oversee county activities and work to ensure that citizen concerns are met, federal and state requirements are fulfilled, and county operations run smoothly. The Cook County Board of Commissioners is the governing board and legislative body of the county. It is comprised of 17 Commissioners, each serving a four-year term and is elected from single member districts. Each district represents approximately 300,000 residents. The Board also operates approximately 40 committees and subcommittees chaired by members of Board of Commissioners.
Remote meetings of the Cook County Board of Commissioners are live-streamed at
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